Nate writes two major documents. You can read more about them by clicking below, or scroll down to see a summary of prices, features, and payment plans.
Cognitive Support Assessments (CSA’s) ExpandNate’s CSA’s are unlike any Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) you’ve seen. They are extensive and go beyond traditional FBA formats to help supporters understand just how complex a person’s behaviors are. Nate uses his Cognitive Supportâ„¢ model to create a more detailed and nuanced interpretation of challenging behaviors than you will find in similar documents from other professionals.
Nate’s CSA’s include a Cognitive Skills Overview. This unique element to an assessment helps Nate understand the person’s unique cognitive skills set, including strengths and weaknesses. He then links to ways that we can expect the person’s cognitive skill difficulties to lead directly to the person’s unsafe or difficult behaviors.
Each CSA acknowledges traditional interpretations of behaviors, but also helps supporters go beyond the traditional to understand how the person they are supporting is likely trying very hard, even if it does not look like it–and why it is they cannot be successful even when trying hard.
The CSA process includes:
- Parent (or main supporter) fills out 1-2 hours of online questionnaires, sends Nate referral information
- Nate conducts a 1-2 hour interview (phone or Skype)
- Nate reviews all referral information (including psychological assessments, IEP’s, etc.)
- Nate sends a rough draft for review
- Parent (or main supporters) review the rough draft and submit edits
- Nate edits CSA and sends the final draft
The CSA is an extensive, individualized document and is usually 30-35 pages. It includes a Functional Assessment of up to 6 challenging behaviors. Nate has a decade of experience addressing:
- Escalation-related behaviors (e.g. physical aggression, property destruction)
- Oppositional behaviors
- Lying
- Stealing
- Running away
- Unsafe sexual behaviors
- Many more
What sets Nate’s assessments apart from others is how he covers all areas of life to examine how they have an impact on a person’s cognitive skill strengths and struggles. These areas of life include:
- Developmental disability (FASD, Autism, Intellectual Disability)
- Mental health issues (ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, RAD)
- History of trauma
- Sensory issues
- Medical conditions
- Fine and gross motor skill difficulties
These documents are not just helpful for parents, but for any professional working with the person who needs an extensive, individualized introduction to the complexities of their behavior. The documents offers a lens-change on behavior to get all willing adults on the same page. These assessments can be helpful for:
- Teachers, school staff, administrators
- Therapists, skills trainers, and other mental health professionals
- Staff, caregivers
- Attorneys
Nate’s CSP’s are not like any other behavior plan you’ve read. His plans and ongoing resources break down the different supports your child needs based upon his assessment of their behavior and the factors that influence them. Nate gives you strategies in three main categories: Start Now, Start When Ready, and When Behaviors Happen.
Start Now strategies are either essential or things that your child is ready for. These include how to interact with them, how to support their various cognitive/sensory needs, how to implement routine, and many other important things to keep in mind. He offers a proactive framework to hopefully decrease behavior intensity and frequency while also maintaining connection.
Nate’s Start When Ready strategies extend the CSP’s relevance to your child by several years, helping you “build up” supports as your child shows progress. This allows you to see the direction our current supports are going to go in, making the importance of what we are doing now clear.
The When Behaviors Happen section of the CSP gives you strategies, tips, and a framework for responding to specific challenging behaviors in a way that will hopefully reduce intensity and, even more importantly, to maintain your connection to your child.
The CSP process includes
- Parent (or main supporter) fills out 1-2 hours of online questionnaires, sends Nate referral information
- Skipped if CSA was previously written
- Nate conducts a 1 hour interview (phone or Skype)
- Skipped if CSA was previously written
- Nate reviews all referral information (including psychological assessments, IEP’s, etc.)
- Nate sends a rough draft for review
- Parent (or main supporters) review the rough draft and submit edits
- Nate edits CSP and sends the final draft
Nate also provides follow up appointments to check-in, to problem-solve, and to make any needed changes to the plan.
Nate will give you strategies to:
- Improve communication and learning
- Decrease challenging behaviors
- Address sensory needs
- Support invisible disabilities
- Implement practical visual supports
- Support social interactions
- And many more
Nate crafts his suggestions with many aspects of the person in mind, including their:
- Developmental disability (FASD, Autism, Intellectual Disability)
- Mental health issues (ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, RAD)
- Medical conditions
- History of trauma
- Sensory issues
- Fine and gross motor skill difficulties
- Current learning abilities
These plans are not just helpful for parents, but for any professional working with the person. These plans may be helpful to:
- Teachers, school staff, administrators
- Therapists, skills trainers, and other mental health professionals
- Staff, caregivers
- Attorneys
Nate’s CSP’s meet the Oregon Administrative Rule guidelines for Positive Behavior Support Plans (PBSP’s).
Document Pricing
We understand that these documents are a significant investment for the majority of families who need them. Nate offers payment plans and discounted rates.
Read About Payment Plan OptionsCognitive Support Assessment
$1500- Extensive CSA Questionnaire
- One-Hour Interview with Nate
- Review of records
- 30-40 page CSA including functional assessment of behavior
- 10% discount on most of Nate’s trainings and workshops
- Discounted Future Documents
- CSA Contribution Forms by Other Supporters/Professionals
Both Documents
$2,000- Both Benefits of CSA and CSP
- An additional half-hour follow-up consultation (3 total)
- Discounted future documents
- 15% discount on most of Nate’s trainings and workshops
Cognitive Support Plan
$1500- Extensive CSA Questionnaire
- One-Hour Interview with Nate
- Review of records
- 30-40 page individualized document based upon functional assessment of behavior
- Immediate & Future Strategies
- Behavior Tracking Forms
- 10% discount on most of Nate’s trainings and workshops
- Discounted Future Documents
- 2 half-hour follow up phone calls and document updates
Nate writes other documents tailored to your needs! Contact him here to give him more information.